Introducing: 2015 ONSTAGE Playwright, Celine Song

Learn more about our fabulous playwrights, and then join us at the Prescott Center for the Arts in Prescott, AZ this Thurs, Sat and Sunday (Aug 6, 8, 9) for the OUTSIDE THE LINES Festival!  Tickets Available HERE

Celine Song headshotI can’t wait to see what else Celine Song has up her sleeves.  Celine sent us a delightfully twisted monologue called THE FEAST, which not only scored super high with her peers, but with basically everyone else who has read it or heard it along the way.  I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say that the play might leave you a little… hungry.  THE FEAST stars Elaine Woods and is directed by Mary Timpany.

LBDI: Why did you decide to submit your work to this year’s ONSTAGE Project?

CELINE: Tiffany told us about the opportunity at Great Plains Theatre Conference.

LBDI: Describe your writing space…

CELINE: I don’t have any specific writing space, because I don’t like to get superstitious about where I write. But it’s just on my laptop, with a thousand other tabs open on Safari, usually with a TV show running in the background next to my document and my sister playing video games next to me on the couch.

LBDI: If you could be any literary character, who would you be?

CELINE: I want a happy and peaceful ending for myself, so I think I want to be Larry Darrell in Somerset Maugham’s The Razor’s Edge.

LBDI: What was your first play titled/about?

CELINE: A one act called Sound Utterly Serious! It was a very serious play about technology and mortality, where I used the found text from one of the first iPhone tutorials ever made by Apple.

LBDI: Which theatricians do you admire and what about them inspires you?

CELINE: Bertolt Brecht’s epicness, Kuro Tanino’s sick sense of humor, Caryl Churchill’s discipline, Wallace Shawn’s militant sense of purpose, Chuck Mee’s joie de vivre.

LBDI: Why do you write for theatre? (as opposed to other written mediums…)

CELINE: Honestly, because I love doing it.

LBDI: What message would you put in a fortune cookie?

CELINE: “Capitalism Works For Me! True/False”

LBDI: Morning, Noon, or Night?


More About Celine:

Celine Song is a 2014-2015 Ars Nova Play Group member, a 2012 Edward F. Albee Foundation Writing Fellow, a 2014 Great Plains Theatre Conference Playlab Playwright, a 2014 resident at Yaddo, and a IATI Theater’s 2015 Cimientos Playwright. Her plays include The Feast, Family, and Tom & Eliza. MFA: Columbia

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