ONSTAGE Playwrights 2016: Meet Tiffany Antone

It’s weird to write about oneself in a promotional sense – but as a playwright, it’s a good skill to develop.  Unfotunately, I can’t say I’ve gotten very good at it – I have a hard time talking about my work with the same enthusiasm I can apply to others’.  But I am very excited to have a play in this year’s fest, and I can’t wait to see it in performance.

So with that, let me answer some questions:

Antone headshotWhat is the title of your play?
The Egg

Why did you decide to submit your work to the ONSTAGE Project?
Strangely, this is really an important question because – as the producer – it would be really easy for me to slide my work in, but I don’t do that.  The peer review process vets my work the same as everyone else’s, and if I submit something that gets stinky reviews, I don’t advance it.  It’s a really healthy ego check, and a great way to prevent the fest from becoming a vanity project for me.  I was really happy when The Egg received high scores at the peer review level, and nominated by our partner producers at Acadiana.

Describe your writing space…
Ugh, it’s pretty much anywhere and everywhere these days.  Our apartment is overrun with baby stuff, and I never know when I’m going to get a spare moment to write.  More often than not, I’ve been using my spare moments to sleep, eat, or wash my face… but as the tot gets closer to toddling, I’m finding I have a little more time to catch up on sleep, face-washing, and even writing.  So basically my writing space is anywhere I can balance my laptop and a sandwhich on my lap at the same time.

If you could have lunch with any playwright alive or dead, who would it be and what would you have for lunch?
I’d really like to have lunch with Sarah Ruhl, and without knowing if she’s a fan of sweets or not, I’d suggest we go to one of those chocolate cafes for a really decadent lunch.  There is just something so delicious about her writing that I feel to be in her company for an afternoon would require a similarly delicious ambiance.

Why do you write for theatre?
I actually really enjoy screenwriting, and have a few film projects in the creative crock-pot, but I’m not a fan of the Hollywood hustle. SO, I continue to labor in theatre because it is my first love and because it feels so much more actionable and achievable than screenwriting does.  On the other hand, that doesn’t stop me from writing for screen, and – as a struggling playwright – I’d be totally down if one day Hollywood takes notice.

Who is your favorite fictional character of all time and why?
Ugh, I hate “pick your favorite” questions (and I wrote this one).  I’ll say Dwight Schrute from The Office.  Everyone on that show was AMAZING, but Dwight always got me laughing.  My husband and I play this game where we try to decide which television show would be the best to live in, and The Office is always on our list.  Not because we crave a career in paper sales, but because the characters are so damn enjoyable.

Do you have any upcoming productions elsewhere that our readers should know about?
I don’t, but hopefully that will change soon!

Please share the synopsis for a full-length of yours that our readers should know about!

The Low Tide Gang, Full Length –  4 M, 1 W, and 1 Chicken

Four odd gentleman, one sandy room, two shovels, a curious board game, and a couple of unexpected guests make this absurdist play quite an unusual ride. The Low Tide Gang is a delightfully unique romp examining the contradictions that crop up when nothing at all changes the way you think it should.  *Brand New Work*

More about Tiffany:

Tiffany Antone is a playwright, producer, and director, whose plays have been read and/or performed in Los Angeles, New York, D.C., Lafayette, and Minneapolis: Cricket Woman Mother Earth (or) A Nasty Comeuppance was a 2011 O’Neil finalist. Ana and the Closet and Twigs and Bone were both Jerome Finalists and O’Neil semi-finalists for 2009 & 2010. In the Company of Jane Doe was produced in NY this spring with CAKE Productions. Her play, The Good Book, is available through Samuel French.  Tiffany holds her MFA in Playwriting from UCLA, lives/teaches in Texas, and blogs for the Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative.  She is the co-founder of The@trics Theatre, and runs Little Black Dress INK.  You can read more about Tiffany at www.TiffanyAntone.com.

Don’t miss Tiffany’s play, July 14-16, at Acadiana Repertory Theatre’s production of this year’s ONSTAGE Festival: Curves Ahead.

Curves Ahead -ART

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