ONSTAGE Playwrights 2016: Meet Anne Flanagan

Every year I hope playwrights will submit short plays comprised of mini-scenes to our fest, so that I can sprinkle them throughout the final line-up.  I love the way they create anchor points for the audience to follow!  And this year, we received several – which made the job of winnowing down which we would produce and which we’d have to say goodbye to all the more difficult.  Anne Flanagan’s play, Thrown for a Curve, is one of two ONSTAGE plays that feature mini-scenes, and it’s absolutely hilarious!  I am so happy to get to know this playwright’s work this year, and I hope she continues to participate in our ONSTAGE fests because her voice is undeniably awesome!

Flanagan.Jan 2016Title of Play:
Thrown For A Curve

Why did you decide to submit your work to the ONSTAGE Project? 
I liked the idea of a ‘blind,’ peer reviewed selection process and I’m always in favor of efforts to support female writers.

Describe your writing space:
A bright, tranquil, art deco laden office/guest bedroom… that is unfortunately right next to a construction site.

If you could have lunch with any playwright alive or dead, who would it be and what would you have for lunch?
Tennessee Williams. BBQ & beignets.

If you could have lunch with any playwright alive or dead, who would it be and what would you have for lunch?
I started out an as actor, so it’s a natural fit.

Why do you write for theatre?
Alice in Wonderland. I love the word play, the surreal adventures, and her cranky, acerbic attitude.

Who is your favorite fictional character of all time and why?
My short Three Ghosts of Elizabeth Bathory is in AlphaNYC’s Thalia Festival this July and my full length Lineage will be in development with the Strange Sun Theatre (NYC) this Fall. I also have two pieces, Ava Maria and Declaration of Independence respectively, to be published in separate Smith & Kraus anthologies this August.

Please share the synopsis for a full-length of yours that our readers should know about!
In my comedy/farce Artifice, available via Dramatic Publishing, artist Payne Showers finally gets his Big Break. He dies. At a subsequent auction of his work, we learn one guest may be a murderous gangster, another a gun toting psychopath, that Gandhi and Goebbels were NOT the same person, and rumors of Payne’s death have been greatly exaggerated.

More about Anne:

Los Angeles based playwright Anne Flanagan has seen her short and full length plays produced throughout the US and internationally.  She is the recipient of several writing awards and zero sports trophies.  Publications include her comedy Artifice (Dramatic Publishing) and various anthologies by Smith & Kraus and/or Applause Books.  For many years, Anne worked as a private investigator, so she knows where you live. Website: www.anneflanagan.net

Don’t miss Anne’s play, July 14-16, at Acadiana Repertory Theatre’s production of this year’s ONSTAGE Festival: Curves Ahead.

Curves Ahead -ART

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