Category Archives: We’re Not Playing

Guest Blogger: 2017 Semi-Finalist Allie Costa

In my play BOXES ARE MAGIC, Yasmine and Cali have very different views of the world. Most of what Cali sees, she sees from the window; she never leaves the house. What will happen when the outside world comes crashing … Continue reading

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Today We Speak, Tomorrow We March, and Then…

The We’re Not Playing Initiative is on its feet, and I couldn’t be prouder of the women and men making it happen. In multiple cities today, plays will be read in protest against an incoming administration which aims to further … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: A poem, an update, and a few more plays…

Welcome to 2017, everybody!  We hope that your holiday season provided you a merry respite from the political distress many of us have been feeling.  It’s January, and that means Inauguration Day, which means artists participating in our We’re Not … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: three more (awesome) plays by Allie Costa

Remember how I told you all about how Allie Costa sent us too many awesome plays to choose from?  And that I was just going to share them all because they were each so powerful and fantastic?  Well, here’s the … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: a new play by Micki Shelton

When I first moved home to Prescott (after an 11 year Los Angeles sojourn) I was unsure how I was going to find a new creative circle.  Sure, there were many talented artists in Prescott, but were any of them … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: Three new plays by Allie Costa

Well, what can I say?  Sometimes a playwright whom you admire sends you a handful of plays because she writes about current social/political/economic issues all the time and your brain kind of stops in stunned silence at the power of … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: a new play by Kate Hawkes

Kate Hawkes has participated in all 5 of our ONSTAGE festivals either as a playwright, director, actress, or producer, so she’s kind of one of our favorite people ever!  She’s just an absolute force of creative energy with a kick … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: a new play by C.J. Ehrlich

C.J. Ehrlich wowed last year’s ONSTAGE playwrights and audiences with her hilariously sweet play, THE LILAC TICKET.  It sailed through the peer review process with incredible scores, and then touched our audiences’ hearts in a way that was really wonderful.  … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: a new play by Beth Kander-Dauphin

I had the joy of directing Beth Kander-Dauphin’s play, EPHEMERA, in our 2015 ONSTAGE Festival.  I loved the play’s characters, the underlying meaning in their conversation, and the way the audience reacted to the play’s final image.  Beth also recently … Continue reading

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We’re Not Playing: a new play by Raegan Payne

So, some very cool things are happening with this initiative:  More playwrights are sending me work to share, and several theatre artists/theatre companies are organizing readings in theatrical protest.  We are SO excited to be facilitating this opportunity for artists … Continue reading

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